University Forum for Human Resource Development Conference 2024
We welcome empirical studies, case studies, conceptual/ theoretical papers and practitioner research.
1000 words Max
500 words Max
500 words Max
Where working papers and posters exceed the 500 word count, the administrator may ask you to revise your word count.
Submissions will be reviewed by two independent reviewers allocated by the Stream Leaders. A peer review template (1 to 5 scale) will be created to ensure consistency of the process and enable the Stream leaders to provide constructive feedback. The reviews would be based upon the following criteria:
Significance/contribution to the HRD field
Aim and purpose clear
Theoretical foundations
Appropriate methodology/analytical techniques
Conclusions/likely conclusions
Quality of paper
Relevance of paper to conference theme
Upon acceptance of the abstracts, author(s) of Working Papers and Symposia Proposals and will submit a papers with a maximum of 4,000 words. Full Paper submissions will be required to produce 6,000-8,000 words papers.
These papers will be requested to meet the requirements of the conference. Author(s) will be required to:
Document is saved as a PDF documents.
Use single-spaces, and Verdana 11-point font.
Use margins (left, right, top and bottom) of 2.5cm.
Justify each paragraph fully.
Begin with a Verdana 12-point font title.
Follow up with a short 200 words abstract. Indicate up to 6 keywords and then use the required words in the text.
Do not use more than three levels of heading and use the numbering convention: 1 Heading 1.1 Heading 1.1.1 Heading.
Italic is accepted as well as bulleted or numbered lists.
Figures and tables should be placed as close to their reference point in the text as possible. All figures and tables must have titles and must be referenced from within the text.
Avoid colour diagrams as the proceedings will be printed in black and white.
Images must be inserted as picture files (.gif, .jpg, .bmp, .pct, .png, .psd). You may be asked to supply the pictures as separate files.
Please avoid the use of footnotes.
References should follow the Harvard Referencing style.
You may submit your final work by visiting the Open Conference submission system.
Presentation Schedule Authors must be able to present at any time during the conference (9am until 6pm June 12 – 14, 2024). The presentation schedule, as well as presentation guidelines, will be available on the Conference Central website approximately six weeks before the conference.
PDF Format
Single sheet/ Portrait orientation
Dimensions in Pixel 1080 width x 1536 height
Dimensions in cm 38,1 width x 54,2 height
Upload the poster to the platform, so it can be printed.
Submission will be made via the Open Conference submission system by setting up an account.
Accepted submissions in the academic categories will be published in the conference website, as part of the conference proceedings. However, authors will be able to choose whether to publish either an Abstract or the Full Manuscript in the published Conference Proceedings. This determination must be indicated upon final submission through the online submission process. Therefore, the decision about whether or not to include a full manuscript for publication in the UFHRD2024 Conference Proceedings is up to each author’s discretion.
For all accepted abstracts, full papers/working papers/symposia proposals should be submitted by May 9th 2024 and follow the style sheet guidance.
Authors will receive the decision and feedback on their abstract by end of January/beginning of February. Please note: the doctoral papers will receive feedback on the day of the presentation.
Authors will be contacted after the Conference with regards to the publication of their paper as part of the Conference Proceedings. Symposia proposals and Powerpoint presentations of papers will be uploaded to the Conference Website.
The Alan Moon Memorial Prize will be awarded to the best paper.