Entrepreneurship and Startups

Entrepreneurship and Startups


A platform for collaboration between the different stakeholders in the Portuguese entrepreneurial ecosystem to create synergies and solutions for the future.

Develop synergies between the government, academia, entrepreneurs and investors to boost entrepreneurship in Portugal.

Strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem by creating opportunities to share knowledge, good practices and complementary experiences.

Promoting research and development in the field of entrepreneurship, establishing partnerships between academia and industry.

Boosting entrepreneurship as a career option, fostering training, education and a healthy risk culture, reducing the stigma associated with failure.

Carlos Vieira

Carlos Vieira is a tourism entrepreneur who founded an agency specialising in Customer Experience and an online platform where restaurant and hospitality entrepreneurs can find various service providers focused on making their business more sustainable.

He has worked in the field of innovation for more than 10 years as a mentor for start-ups and digital businesses, trainer, facilitator and teacher. His experience with entrepreneurs and students in more than 150 projects has led him to specialise in empowering individuals and training human skills to achieve personal and professional results.

Carlos is also involved in causes such as empowerment and gastronomy. As a volunteer, he is Head of a scout group and is developing a project to create digital content and organise events about restaurants and gastronomy.


Boosting entrepreneurship as a career option, reducing the stigma associated with failure.



Fale connosco para projetos de consultoria, palestras, workshops e mentorias.